Autor Thema: X'Mas Special = Indigo,Indy,I2 RAM / O2 RAM / HP Viz RS6000 RAM / SGI Slab Keyb.  (Gelesen 5930 mal)


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teile aus meinen letzten systemupgrades ... was uebrig blieb:

* 2x PIII-600 Katmai (FSB100 / 512KB Cache / Slot1) for VW320 and other slot1 systems ... especially those that can't take the newer coppermine cpus
tested and working with ... big passive heat sinks (original they were Compaq labled, but working nicely in my VW320)
-> 30EUR for both + shipping

if needed, i might have a matching VRM module somewhere around as well for +5EUR

* 4x 256MB Kit (each kit has four sticks of 64MB) A2580-60001 64MB F3517 .... for HP-9000 Vizualize (i was told that they should work in an RS6000 likewise) ... this is EDO w/ ECC (thus 40bit) ... initially i wanted to have those for my I2 R10k *lol*, but as it turned out i should have looked closer as it's no parity, but rather ECC ram. the ram was sent to me as "tested and working", but since i don't have any way to test the ram myself)
-> 10EUR per 256MB set + shipping

* Indigo2 - purple frontflap only, BUT comes with _both_ badges R10000 & IMPACT (the badges are a bit scratched, but though the flap is in overall good condition and no latches broken or similar!) has the 5 1/4'' cd-rom bay cover, but no 3 1/2'' hdd bay cover
-> 7.50EUR + shipping

* Silicon Graphics - granite slab keyboard P/N 9500904 (german layout) ... PS/2  ... in good condition, this is the cool big one that usually came with I2 and sometimes Indy systems
-> 12EUR

i still have some I2 teal R4k components incl some 64MB (4x16mb) ram kits for cheap ... UND ... still a few O2 64MB kits (2x32MB)

photos upton request & the rest is as usual ... thus about the payment: i'd suggest either 1) bank transfer (IBAN/BIC available) for german or european nekochan'ers but 2) paypal local balance only, thus_w/o_ credit card payment should be okay as well .... and location & shipping: so once more i'm located in _GERMANY_ and shipping will be only the same what i pay for at the post office, good 'nd safe packaging is free of course.  :P

gern auch tausch ... schaut in meinen suche thread "nebenan"

cheers ... und danke fuern reinschaun, gaku  8-)
« Letzte Änderung: 18. Dezember 2007, 20:09:37 von gaku » - Das unabhängige Silicon Graphics User Forum


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Re: 2xP3-600 Katmai / HP Viz RS6000 RAM / I2 lila frontklappe & mehr
« Antwort #1 am: 18. Dezember 2007, 20:07:46 »
sooo, ich aktualisier die liste mal *gg* und die preise sind auch nen x'mas super sonderangebot  :P

teile aus meinen letzten systemupgrades ... was uebrig blieb:

* 4x 256MB Kit (each kit has four sticks of 64MB) A2580-60001 64MB F3517 .... this is EDO w/ ECC (thus 40bit) ...
-> 7EUR per 256MB set (have 2GB in total avail)

* Silicon Graphics - granite slab keyboard P/N 9500904 (german layout) ... PS/2
-> 10EUR

i still have some I2 teal R4k components incl some 64MB (4x16mb) ram kits for cheap ... UND ... still a few O2 64MB kits (2x32MB)
Indigo, I2, Indy RAM -> 64MB Kit = 4eur, 32MB Kit = 2eur
O2 RAM -> 64MB Kit = 4eur ... still have 5-6 Kits

sachen sind in potsdam und koennten sonst auch gern abgeholt werden ^^; ... versandkosten kommen dazu, aber nur rein das, was die post auch verlangt, nix extra!  ;)

happy xmas ... und danke fuern reinschaun, gaku  8-)
« Letzte Änderung: 18. Dezember 2007, 20:28:27 von gaku »


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Re: 2xP3-600 Katmai / HP Viz RS6000 RAM / I2 lila frontklappe & mehr
« Antwort #2 am: 20. Dezember 2007, 13:58:49 »
* 4x 256MB Kit (each kit has four sticks of 64MB) A2580-60001 64MB F3517 .... this is EDO w/ ECC (thus 40bit) ...
-> 7EUR per 256MB set --- ALL CLAIMED / sale pending
* Silicon Graphics - granite slab keyboard P/N 9500904 (german layout) ... PS/2
-> 10EUR --- CLAIMED / sale pending
Indy 2x64MB kit (4x16 each)
-> 4EUR each  --- ALL CLAIMED / sale pending

i still have some I2 teal R4k components incl some 32MB (4x8mb) ram kits for cheap ... UND ... still a few O2 64MB kits (2x32MB)
Indigo, I2, Indy RAM -> 32MB Kit = 2eur .. oder nur 8eur fuer _alle_ 5x 32MB kits
O2 RAM -> 64MB Kit = 4eur ... still have 5-6 Kits


  • Gast
Hast Post!  ;D


  • Gast
Hast Post!  ;D

verraetst mir auch ... wo du die hingeschickt hast? hier kam naemlich nichts an bei mir.  ;)


  • Gast
Nichts angekommen?  ???
Sorry für die Verwirrung, hab's per PN geschickt. Funktioniert das nicht?
Is ja auch wurscht, ich schreib's hier rein.
Würde Dir den O2-RAM abnehmen. Hab eine O2 hier ohne RAM, weiß nicht ob die überhaupt noch geht, aber das Risiko geh ich ein.
4 Kits würd ich schon nehmen, dann bleibt für andere noch was übrig.  ;)
Kannst mich auch unter bad-taste(AT)gmx(PUNKT)net kontaktieren.


  • Gast
danke an alle kaeufer: ... ALLES WECH!!

bis auf des VRM-Modul fuer ne SGI-VW320 (5EUR) und den Indigo, I2, Indy RAM -> 32MB Kit = 2eur .. oder nur 8eur fuer _alle_ 5x 32MB kits