IRIX wohl eher nicht, aber NetBSD wäre ein Versuch wert.
Es gibt Anstrengungen, NetBSD auf die rm600 zu portieren, aber ich weis nicht, wie weit das gediegen ist.
Auf tech-kern oder port-mips oder port-sgimips war mal was zu lesen - eine suche in den archiven sollte helfen.
Ah - da gibts ja gleich was:
( )
I finally found some time to work on a NetBSD port to Siemens/Nixdorf RM-Series machines (I have worked on porting Linux - more or less successfully - several years ago). These machines are R4k-based (R5k/R10k based machines also exist,
but I only have some older machines available) and can run in either big endian (Sinix firmware) or little endian (ARC firmware) mode.
I'm targeting the big endian systems (which is IMHO more common and I generally like big endian machines more ;-)) and got a big endian MIPS kernel to load and start via tftp (cross compiled on OS X using a sgimips cross toolchain, which seems
to work fine). Now the real work begins which probably involves a lot of reverse engineering due to lack of documentation...
Taking a look at the Sinix header files and an objdump of a Sinix kernel, the firmware seems to be an extended version of the old mipsco firmware (pre-ARCS), but probably with some extensions. Does anyone have documentation on the old MIPS firmware - especially on calls that return information on hardware configuration (prom_get_mem_conf, prom_get_hwconfig) - if these are available on mipsco systems?
Siemens seems to have added some calls to obtain PCI information (prom_pci_get_dev_info, prom_pci_get_class_info, prom_pci_get_dev_pathname, prom_pci_get_index_max, prom_pci_get_conf_info) which probably are not available
on mipsco machines, but I'm probably out of luck finding information on these.
So, I'm trying to get these machines running with NetBSD but can't promise a fixed schedule (unfortunately ;-), I have to work on my Ph.D. thesis and do some teaching next semester...). Any support is, of course, welcome - I'll try to summarize all information I manage to find out on these machines.
Michael Engel
Das ist doch schonmal was ...

Das original-Siemens-UNIX heißt übrigens SINIX - ist wohl aber ziemlich schwer zu bekommen, da es ja kaum jemand verwendet.
Zum Glueck - ich hatte mal die zweifelhafte Ehre, ein etwas angestaubtes SINIX auf einer alten rm600 zu betreuen. Spass gemacht hats keinen und zum Glueck arbeite ich da nichtmehr - sonst muesst ich jetzt Reliant UNIX administrieren

Ach ja: wenn die Maschine sonst keiner will: ich geb ihr ein gutes Zuhause!

PS: warum verpfuscht er nach einem quote immer meine posts?
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