Hast recht....
Habs mal im Nekochan-Forum gepostet und hier noch die Datei neko_fixpath unten angehängt... Vielleicht findet ja jemand etwas raus... Ich selbst bin jedenfalls auch noch nicht weitergekommen...
Inhalt der Datei wie folgt:
eval 'exec perl -S $0 "$@"' if 0; # fixpath - add/remove paths from startup files. # $Id: fixpath,v 1.2 1999/01/14 20:11:16 drk Exp $ # &main; exit 0; sub main { @files = (); $shell = $ENV{'SHELL'}; $home = $ENV{'HOME'}; @info = getpwuid($>); if ($#info == -1) { die "$0: can't find passwd entry for UID $>\n"; } $home = $info[7] unless ($home ne ""); $shell = $info[8] unless ($shell ne ""); # Make sure we are doing the right thing. open(TTY, "/dev/tty") || die "$0: No tty"; select(STDOUT); $| = 1; $ok = 0; while (!$ok) { do { print "Your shell seems to be $shell, is that correct? "; $ans = ; print "Please use yes/no for your answer.\n" unless $ans =~ /^[yYnN]/; } while ($ans !~ /^[yYnN]/); if ($ans =~ /^[yY]/) { $ok = 1; } else { print "What is your shell? "; $shell = ; chop($shell); } } # XXX - don't handle zsh - couldn't find a man page. $shell =~ s|.*/||; $ok = 0; foreach $s ('sh', 'ksh', 'bash', 'csh', 'tcsh') { $ok = 1 if $s eq $shell; } if (!$ok) { die "$0: I don't know what to do for your '$shell' shell.\n"; } # Depending on which shell it is, figure out the file. if ($shell eq "sh") { push(files, "$home/.profile"); $default = "$home/.profile"; } if ($shell eq "csh") { foreach $f ('.login', '.cshrc') { if (-e "$home/$f" && &haspath("$home/$f")) { push(files, "$home/$f"); } } if ($#files == -1) { push(files, "$home/.login"); } $default = "$home/.login"; } if ($shell eq "tcsh") { foreach $f ('.login', '.tcshrc', '.cshrc') { if (-e "$home/$f" && &haspath("$home/$f")) { push(files, "$home/$f"); } } if ($#files == -1) { push(files, "$home/.login"); } $default = "$home/.login"; } if ($shell eq "ksh") { foreach $f ('.kshrc', '.profile') { if (-e "$home/$f" && &haspath("$home/$f")) { push(files, "$home/$f"); } } if ($#files == -1) { push(files, "$home/.profile"); } $default = "$home/.profile"; } if ($shell eq "bash") { foreach $f ('.bashrc', '.bash_profile', '.bash_login', '.profile') { if (-e "$home/$f" && &haspath("$home/$f")) { push(files, "$home/$f"); } } if ($#files == -1) { push(files, "$home/.profile"); } $default = "$home/.profile"; } # OK, now we have set up the following: # $shell is the users shell. # @files is the list of files that had one or more of the PATH things. #warn "shell = $shell\nfiles = @files\n"; foreach $f (@files) { &fixpath($f); } if (!$path) { &addpath("PATH", '${PATH}:/usr/nekoware/bin', $default); } if (!$manpath) { &addpath("MANPATH", '/usr/share/catman:/usr/share/man:/usr/catman:/usr/man:/usr/nekoware/man', $default); } if (!$X) { &addpath("XFILESEARCHPATH", '/usr/lib/X11/%T/%N:/usr/nekoware/lib/X11/%T/%N', $default); } } sub addpath { local($which, $p, $file) = @_; print "Adding new variable $which to $file\n"; if ($shell =~ /csh/) { system("echo setenv $which '$p' >> $file"); } else { system("echo $which='$p' >> $file"); system("echo export $which >> $file"); } } sub fixpath { open(F, $f) || die "$0: can't open $f\n"; open(N, ">/tmp/new$$"); while () { if (/^\s*PATH=/ || /XFILESEARCHPATH=/ || /MANPATH=/ || /set\s+path\s*=\s*\(/ || /setenv\s+PATH\s+/ || /setenv\s+MANPATH\s+/ || /setenv\s+XFILESEARCHPATH/) { $manpath = 1 if /MANPATH/; $X = 1 if /XFILESEARCHPATH/; $path = 1 if /^\s*PATH=/ || /set\s+path\s*=\s*\(/ || /setenv\s+PATH\s+/; chop; do { $new = &fixit($f, $_); } while ($new eq ""); $_ = "$new\n"; } print N; } close(N); print "\nDiff of $f vs. new:\n"; system("diff $f /tmp/new$$"); do { print "Use new file? "; $ans = ; print "Please answer y/n" unless $ans =~ /^[yYnN]/; } while ($ans !~ /^[yYnN]/); if ($ans =~ /^[yY]/) { system("cp $f $f.bak"); system("cp /tmp/new$$ $f"); print "Relogin or source $f to have changes take effect.\n"; print "$f.bak is the previous version of your file.\n"; } unlink("/tmp/new$$"); } sub fixit { local($file, $line) = @_; if ($line =~ /^\s*PATH=/) { $var = "PATH"; $add = "/usr/nekoware/bin"; } elsif ($line =~ /XFILESEARCHPATH=/) { $var = "XFILESEARCHPATH"; $add = "/usr/nekoware/lib/X11/%T/%N"; # XXX? check this. } elsif ($line =~ /MANPATH=/) { $var = "MANPATH"; $add = "/usr/nekoware/man"; } elsif ($line =~ /set\s+path\s*=\s*\(/) { $var = "path"; $add = "/usr/nekoware/bin"; } elsif ($line =~ /setenv\s+PATH\s+/) { $var = "PATH"; $add = "/usr/nekoware/bin"; } elsif ($line =~ /setenv\s+MANPATH\s+/) { $var = "MANPATH"; $add = "/usr/nekoware/man"; } elsif ($line =~ /setenv\s+XFILESEARCHPATH\s+/) { $var = "XFILESEARCHPATH"; $add = "/usr/nekoware/lib/X11/%T/%N"; # XXX? check this. } # This is really tacky, but I want to catch multi line paths. while ($line =~ m|.*\s*\\\s*$|) { $_ = ; $line .= $_; } $save = $line; do { #print "\nIn $file, your $var variable is:\n"; #print "\n$line\n"; if ($line =~ "$add") { $q = "\nRemove $add from \$$var in $file? "; } else { $q = "\nAdd $add to \$$var in $file? "; } print $q; $ans = ; print "Please use yes/no for your answer.\n" unless $ans =~ /^[yYnN]/; } while ($ans !~ /^[yYnN]/); if ($ans !~ /^[yY]/) { print "OK, skipping this one.\n"; return $save; } # Remove case. if ($line =~ m|$add|) { if ($line =~ m|:$add|) { $line =~ s|:$add||; } elsif ($line =~ m|$add:|) { $line =~ s|$add:||; } else { $line =~ s|$add||; } return $line; } # Add case. $start = $stop = ""; @line = (); if ($var eq "path") { $line =~ /(.*set\s+path\s*=\s*\()(.*)(\))/; $join = " "; $start = $1; $line = $2; $stop = " $3"; } elsif ($line =~ /setenv/) { $line =~ /(.*setenv\s+$var\s+)(.*)/; $join = ":"; $start = $1; $line = $2; $stop = ""; } else { if ($line =~ /(\"\s*$)/) { $stop = '"'; $line =~ s/\"\s*$//; } $line =~ /(.*$var=\"?)(.*)/; $join = ":"; $start = $1; $line = $2; } @line = split(/[:\s]/, $line); #print "\n"; do { print "\nYour $var is: @line\n"; $n = $#line + 1; print "You can put $add anywhere in this path.\n"; print "To put it first, type '1',\n"; print "to put it last, type '\$',\n"; print "and to put it in the middle, type 2 for second, 3 for fourth, etc.\n"; print "Your $var currently has $n paths, 1..$n.\n"; print "\nPut $add where? "; chop($ans = ); } while ($ans !~ /^[\$1-9]/); if ($ans eq '$') { push(line, "$add"); } else { @new = (); $ans--; # XXX - check for out of bounds! for ($i = 0; $i ) { # sh types return 1 if /^\s*PATH=/ || /XFILESEARCHPATH=/ || /MANPATH=/; # csh types return 1 if /set\s+path\s*=\s*\(/ || /setenv\s+PATH\s+/ || /setenv\s+MANPATH\s+/ || /setenv\s+XFILESEARCHPATH/; } return 0; }