Anwendersoftware > Grafiksoftware
ICARUS: Tracking und Reconstruction Tool
Das Problem Icarus/Octane ist bereits bekannt ...
Hello Holger,
We are aware of problems with the pbuffer allocation on Irix machines, and
have got Icarus working on O2 and IRE2 machines, but we don't have access to
any Octane machines to test with.
The problem is caused by the weird variety of pbuffer frame configurations
that Irix will accept. Not all supposedly "valid" configurations are actually
accepted by the machine, and those that are not cause this "insufficient
resources" error.
In order to work out why this is failing, we need to get a list of supported
frame-buffer configurations on the Octane. You can help us do this by
downloading a new irecon binary from:
If you run this, it will fail as normal but also generate a file called
/tmp/fbconfigs.txt that lists the supported frame-buffer configurations on
your system. Can you please email this file to me?
Best wishes,
Thomas W.:
@ Holger251:
Was genau machst Du mit der Software???
;D Zur Zeit versuch ich sie eigentlich nur ans Rennen zu bringen ;D ;D ;D
um kanzler schröder zu tracken? ;D
Hehe...zumindest das reconstruction modul dürfte ganz ordentlich zu tun haben bei dem zerklüfteten Gesicht *g*
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