Irix > Installation/Update

Woher bekomme ich ich ein Update?

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... this was a mistake...  8)

Unfortunately the download-site for the video drivers was removed from the sgi site last year. But you can use to find a older snapshot of this site.
This link should work bring you to the download-site:

If the download doesn't work for you i could send it via eMail.
To install you have to open the unbundled-directory of your actual overlay-distribution too,


 I already have these drivers from the unbundled directory, but they are just not compatible with my eoe.base.sw after I've upgraded to .16 (I think that was the name; base execution environment for irix). The solution was just ignoring the conflicts; I installed the software despite the conflicts. This works now and I don't see any more conflicts in swmgr, so I guess it was some problem with irix itself.

have u installed from software manager or from prom window? in case u used sm: how did u manage to ignore the conflicts? i fear i have a similar situation with some different software.
thnx in advance,

 I don't think this is possible via the software manager or at least I didn't see any other ways to resolve conflicts in the software manager than to load other software or remove the conflicting software.

If you're using "inst" on a terminal you can type "keep conflicting" and it will install the software despite the conflicts.
But then it's ofcourse not guaranteed that the software will work. Good luck!

i know how 2 omit conflicts in a prom window. i just wondered if u'd tried 2 install it in that other way (sm).
thnx 4 your reply and have a happy new year :)


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