
Autor Thema: SGI Fuel Spares & Tezro DIMMs, Octane2 PSU+V6, purple I2 feet, P3-850s for VW320  (Gelesen 3805 mal)


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habe aus defekter FUEL noch folgende einzelne, aber _voll getestete_ ... FULLY TESTED & 100PRO OKAY ... spares abzugeben:

30EUR - SGI Fuel R14k 500MHz PIMM / SGI PN 030-1708-002
30EUR - SGI Fuel V10 Odyssey 32MB / SGI PN 030-1725-001 <- GONE

15EUR each - 3x 512MB Kit (twice 256MB DIMM each) ... for Fuel, Tezro & Origin 3k / SGI PN 030-1018-002

15EUR - Audigy2 ZS card for Fuel, works fine as sound board under IRIX (tested!)

10EUR - seemingly dead SGI Fuel Mobo / SGI PN 030-1707-003
05EUR - seemingly dead SGI Fuel HiPro PSU 460W / SGI PN 060-0140-007

45EUR 25EUR - PIII Slot-1 850MHz CPUs, matching-pair for SGI VW320 (tested working)
(might have a VRM module as well if needed, need to check  5EUR)

25EUR - SGI Octane2 later Cherokee 747W PSU / SGI PN 030-0035-002
25EUR - SGI Octane2 V6 VPro gfx board / SGI PN (need to check)

15EUR - SGI Octane1 earlier motherboard, last rev / SGI PN 030-0887-005
(with some RAM, but not much)

10EUR - SGI Indigo2 purple feet pair ... -RARE- ...

(purple feet repainted in original purple by SGI, to resell them refurbished back then. you see it when you hold them in your hand, but when used as a stand you don't really notice)

additionally I have a few Octane2 parts
various other parts of the SGI Fuel Case or interior avail as well ... on request


EDIT: vergessen zu erwähnen ... Versand ist natürlich extra, aber möglich.  ;)
« Letzte Änderung: 14. Dezember 2011, 21:19:35 von gaku » - Das unabhängige Silicon Graphics User Forum


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added a few bits for Octane, I2 and VW320 ^^