Autor Thema: QCAD....  (Gelesen 4926 mal)


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« am: 21. Mai 2005, 20:50:49 »
Usage: ./ [demo] [nocam] [noscripting] [noclean] [noconfig]
 demo        build demo version
 debugging   add debug menu
 nocam       don't build CAM module even if available
 noscripting don't build scripting support even if available
 noclean     don't clean (speeds up building if the options don't change)
 noconfig    don't run configure (speeds up building if the options don't change)
 noprepare   don't run prepare (speeds up building if the options don't change)
 distcc      use distcc for distributed compilation. DISTCC_HOSTS must be set.

QTDIR is: /usr/freeware/Qt
QMAKESPEC is: /usr/freeware/Qt/mkspec/irix-g++
-------- Building fparser --------
Building libfparser.a failed - Das unabhängige Silicon Graphics User Forum

« am: 21. Mai 2005, 20:50:49 »


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Re: QCAD....
« Antwort #1 am: 03. Oktober 2005, 22:37:53 »
Du hast die Qcad version bei nekochan ja schon gesehen - oder ?
QT dazu und fertig ist der Schuh.
Alles andere ist Quälerei...

Schönen Gruß gen Westen  ;D